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Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 2: Let the Starvation Begin

(I am catching up on the writing for the last few days)

And so starts the REAL first day of dieting.  I had my doctor’s appointment on Friday and learn some good things about eating.  I have also researched this weekend and realized what things I was going to change.  I weighed myself today and I am already back down to 259, without even trying, so today seems as good as any to actually start trying.  Because my weight loss is going to be medically supervised by a weight loss specialist (Ooo, la la), I am able to cut my calories down to the low level. YIKES.  How the hell am I going to do this, it’s 9am and I am hungry already.

5 pm-- I haven’t eaten, which is not good.  I have been so busy today that I haven’t even had a chance to sit down to eat.   

9 pm—Well the boys are in bed and today wasn’t a great start.  One thing that I need to focus on is the fact that I need to eat throughout the day and not all at one in the evening.  The boys and I went over to a friend of ours house today and on the way I stopped to get the boys a happy meal, great, teaching the boys my bad habits (I usually don’t let them eat like that, no seriously).  I ended up having a bite of their burger and a bite of a fry.  Do you know that JUST those two bites were about 53 calories, 6.2 carbs, and 2.3 fat?  WOW!  I have been tracking my food on a calorie counter on my phone, and it’s incredible to see that just a BITE of something can be so horrible! Note to self:  Never eat fast food again.  To end the day I had some Ahi Tuna, and soy sauce for a grand total of 277 calories (I am NOT suppose to go this low…that is HORRIBLE)!  I better lose a pant size by morning.


  1. What are you doing to lose the weight?

  2. This was a BAD day, so please do NOT follow anything that i am doing wrong :) I actually am seeing a doctor that specializes in weight management! If you take the weight you want to be, and multiply it by 10, that is about how many calories you need to be eating. Ex. if i want to be 125 x 10 = 1250 calories a day. I am NOT a doctor and i and NOT an expert on dieting! This is just what i have decided to do. You should also make sure that you eat a LOT of lean protein, so that you dont lose muscle. I recommend sparkpeople.com! Its free and i have heard a lot of people have had great success with it!
