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Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 6: Do i smell Bacon??

Woke up this morning to the best sound in the world; Bacon frying.  Ha ha, just kidding.  It was actually the sweet little voices of my boys calling my name.  Sometimes it’s still hard to believe that I am a mother of two.  They are so sweet though.  They get in my bed, give me kisses and hugs.  They look at me in complete awe.  It’s a love stronger than all others.  I can’t even explain how amazing that they are, and what they mean to me.  Those moments, are the ones that I am going to cherish for a life time.  That sweet moment was soon filled with poopy diapers and cereal all over the living room floor.  Got to love those little monsters! J  Those little faces make me so happy, I want to show them a good example and be a healthy mom.  Ok, I want to be a hot mama!  I want to be a MYLTFBNW (mother you’d like to $*@& but never will).  Come on all you moms out there, get with it.  It’s called text talk (or something).  Ok, all my attempts at being “hip” and “with it” are out the door.  When did I become a regular MOM?

Oh, right you want to know how I did today.  It was a lot harder than yesterday.  Where is that cake I was wanting before?  The hardest part about dieting is not getting to eat what everyone else is eating.  Wait didn’t I say something else was harder before?  Well scratch that, and add this. The hardest part is actually figuring out what you CAN eat.  How can I make a meal and know how many calories are in it?  Are there things I can eat that taste good, but are good for me?  Is anyone out there listening to this? 


  1. hey,
    there are alot of good recipes on hungrygirl.com. they have alot of healthy swaps for fast food and desserts. And so far the recipes I have tried are yummy. Love your blog and good luck.

  2. Thank you so much!! I will definitely try some out! Thanks for the tip :)
