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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 12: Superbowl snack's and mad Mama's

Ok ok, i don't want you to think that i am failing at this whole diet thing.  I PROMISE you i do NOT want to let my readers down.  And most importantly, i have come too far to let myself down, and my kids.  Today was really hard, probably the hardest day yet.  With family and friends surrounding me, and no babies to keep me busy, the smell of the Superbowl snacks wafted into my nostrils and i couldn't resist the tastiness of my dad's homemade soup and my brothers sushi, ok alright and half a BLT! :-/  Before you all get disappointed in me, or i get even more disappointed in myself, i want to reflect on how far i have come.  A couple weeks ago i probably would have had 3 bowls of soup, 2.5 BLT's, 15 crackers with cheese and salami,  and possibly 9 hot wings.  Today was a different story.  HALF a bowl of soup, HALF a BLT, 2 crackers with cheese and salami, and 2 hot wings.  I know that i over did it today.  I should have stuck to my allowed caloric intake. BUT i must say that i am still quite proud of myself for not devouring the entire smorgasbord!  I know, however, that i will regret my decisions when i step on the scale in the morning.  Tomorrow is a new day.  I am going to start the morning with my protein bar, and end it with a healthy salad with chicken. 

The best part about starting fresh in the morning is that my parents are going to start with me tomorrow.  It will be a lot easier to eat healthy, when i am surrounded by people who are eating healthy also. 

Ok, so i told my mom that i started a blog tonight, and that i posted the pictures of myself.  She was thoroughly mad at and disappointed in me for posting such revealing pictures on a public forum...gotta love mom's.  The thing that she doesnt understand is that this is something that is helping me accomplish my goals.  She also doesn't understand that though she maybe more modest than to publically display herself as i have on the internet, it is not wrong because i have a different way of thinking than her.  The thing about parents, and i have learned that it can be easy to do once you have kids, is they are so set in their own ways they want to try and form their children into being what they are.  Now i love my parents with all my heart, and they are GREAT examples, but that doesnt meant that i necessarily have the agree with their specific ways of thinking.  And beyond that, i am also not WRONG for thinking differently.  One thing i want to learn from that is that i need to make sure that learn from that.  I promise my children that i will guide them as best as i can so they can become the best that they can b, but when they are in their 20's and learning to make their own choices i am going to love them, and though i might give them my advice i will not be mad at them for their decisions.  Even if its something that i wouldn't do myself.  I still love you mommy (:


  1. Protein Bar? Does that mean you got yourself some Clif Bars? :D If so, let me know how you like them. From my experience people either love them or hate them. My boyfriend seems to eat them the way most people eat junk food, curse him and his fast metabolism! But in any case, I hope they help you get fuel throughout the day so you can reach your goals!

  2. YES, i got them and i LOVE them!! They are actually REALLY good for a bar!! I wrote protein bar cause i switch back and fourth between the Clif, pure protein, and fiber one bars. That way i dont get sick of having the same bar every day haha. Thank you soo much for the suggestion! Keep em coming if you have anymore ideas for healthy but tasty eats :)

  3. Well in my books carrots and cucumbers with a little bit of hummus is ALWAYS a treat! :D Plus low in calories. And being the busy vegetarian I am, I love Amy's Frozen dinners and soups! They even have a new light line of frozen dinners which all have less than 300 calories (and are still delicious!) and even the normal ones are about 300 calories. So take that Stouffers! lol. Plus almost all of the ingredients they use are organic! How can you not feel good about eating that, plus they're easy, and I could live off nothing else! lol. Also if you're an oatmeal eater, steal cut oats and the crock pot should become your new best friend, no joke! Just put 4 cups of water for ever 1 cup of steal cut oats, cook on low for 6-10 hours. So you have a hot breakfast when you wake up. It expands a lot so 2 cups of oats feeds four, hungry, people and sometimes leaves left overs! :)

  4. Congrats it sounds like you did awesome with your Superbowl snacking! Even though you ate more than you planned, chock it up to experience. You know you ate way less than you would have just a few weeks ago! It's progress :) And about the mom thing...keep your chin up. Even though this is something she might not want for you, it's something you realize that you need for yourself to help you acheive your goals. If we always listened/agreed with our parents on every subject we would never grow and learn for ourselves. One of my best learned lessons in life, especially dealing with my own parents, is how wrong they can be at times. Just because they are older, doesn't necessarily mean they are right. Good for your for sticking to your guns and realizing whats right for you :)

  5. By the way, i'm redhead3774 that posted yesterday. Every time i log in my display name keeps switching back and forth from my e-mail to my name haha

  6. I just had to say, I came across your link on an "I Used To Be Fat" video on mtv.com, and I'm completely inspired by your story. It shows me and everyone else someone very real, in every day situations, just trying to achieve a goal, and that's exactly what I needed to see. I know I'm not really alone, people "diet" all the time, but I'm looking for a lifestyle change, not a diet, and I'm very happy to see someone doing the same. Congrats on the progress & keep it up!! :)

  7. ok i think i messed up when i tried to post comment before. but I just want to say first of all congrats on your success this far. and second of all reading all your post i think you are my twin.. specially the superbowl party my gosh.. i feel also was so hard to control the temptations of cheese bean dip.. i still have no idea how i did it. i am going to start posting again on my blog so catch up with you soon :)

  8. Thank you guys so much! Its great to have people following my story, but even better to have people that send me encouraging words, and advice! First off congrats to my fellow dieters...its SO great to know that i am not alone and that it is possible to achieve our goals! When i have a little more time on my hands i really want to start checking out all of your blogs (if you have them), so if anyone wants me to follow them let me know! I am still new to the blogging world and dont quite know how to navigate through it, but i am learning :) Kind of like how i am learning to diet as well haha! Stay tuned...my next blog should be up soon!
