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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 7: the high school "reunion"

So do i start with the bad, or the good?  Lets get the bad out of the way so we leave things on a good note.  Tonight i went the my old high schools basketball game with my dad and the twins.  The boys had a great time.  They were busy as always and more into dancing to the bands version of Lady GaGa's "Poker Face," but they were happy nonetheless.  Me on the other hand, was not so confident in this outing.  You see, i am from a small town.  And when i say small, i mean small.  Its a farmer town, where EVERYONE knows everyone's business.  As i scanned the crowd i saw endless amount of old high school classmates (and by old, i mean that i haven't seen them for the 5 years since HS haha).  I don't think half of them even recognized me, except for the few that realized that i am about the only girl in this town with twins.  If thats not motivation enough to drop these pound, then i dont know what else is haha.  It just makes me THAT much more excited to come back a year from now, HALF OF ME, and having them not recognize me cause i am a skinny hot mama, and NOT cause i am a fat tub of lard ;)

So are you ready for the good?!  i have lost..."weight" for it...FIFTEEN pounds.  In case you didnt read that right, blink your eyes, put on your glasses...YES...15 POUNDS!!!  Looks like my hard work is paying off.  AND i am NOT giving up now.  This is the longest that i have actually stuck with a diet!  I will hopefully be posting updated pictures tomorrow, so stay tuned folks :)


  1. You did not put your excess weight on in one day. You will not lose in all in one day, but a 15 pound weight loss at this point is tremendous progress. So for, you are averaging 1/2 pound per day. You will exceed your goal by staying focus. Just remeber stay healthy at the same time.

  2. I know, its hard to think like that some times though. You just want it to be gone in like a week...thinking ahead a year kind of freaks me out haha. I think that a lot of the 15 lbs that i lost was water weight. Through eating healthier i am also cutting back on my sodium intake, which is decreasing the water reabsorption (can you tell i am studying anatomy and physiology right now haha). I hesitate telling people about what i am doing for my diet cause when going as low as i am in calories, it is vital that you are supervised by a weight loss DOCTOR. but that being said i am taking in about 700-800 calories a day. "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME KIDS" ;)

  3. I came across your blog tonight and I think it is great that you're trying to get healthier!! It's a long and challenging process, but I have all the faith in the world that you will make it!! Stay motivated and don't give up!! I am on my own weight loss journey myself so I know how difficult it can be at times especially when the people around you are eating pizza and you're munching on a salad!!ugh...well im off for now but I'll be coming on regularly to see your progress!!!

  4. This girl's story seems a lot like yours: http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/618973/no-willpower.jhtml#series=2214&seriesId=34633&channelId=1&id=1657122

    "I Used to Be Fat" is such a big inspiration for me in losing weight, because I tell myself, if they can, I can.
