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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 9: Peanut butter and vagina! (guys plug your ears...)

You know what is amazing about having kids.  You suddenly feel compelled to talk about your personal things about your children with other moms.  Our conversations turn from boys, makeup, and selfish things, to butt rashes, what color our childrens poop is, and how we get our kids to do what we want.  Oh but the glory of motherhood doesnt stop there.  After spending 9 months or so months with having our vagina's poked and probed at, in the most uncomfortable of situations, we tend to lose our sense of filtering in a social setting.  Girls have a certain bond with each other anyway, but once you are a mother, you dont hold nothing back.  Just tonight, one of my girlfriends told me that she has an unusual rash on her vagina.  Come on guys, grow up...its LIFE.  After discussing her problem, we quickly switched to the topic of, what other than...FAT.  Now i know that you are thinking that talking about fat is a LOT less gory and private than talking about a strange vigina rash, but for me i am feeling a little different at the moment.  This might sound crazy coming from a girl blogging about her weigh loss, and posting pictures of her gruesomely stretch marked, stretched out, and bloated body.  But the fact remains that i am still VERY self conscious about my body.  I can't even come out and tell my friends and family about the blog that i have created cause i am scared of confronting them after and knowing that they have actually seen my naked self, in the most vulnerable way possible.  I guess what i am really getting at, is that talking to strangers and telling about my story, is a lot less scary than facing the fear of failure in front of my peers.  What have i got myself into?  What if i can't reach my goals?  What if i gain it all back?  Are these thoughts (what i like to call demons) in my head ever going to evaporate?  I am trying to push these images of failure out of my mind and focus on the positive!  I have lost 16 lbs and i need to be thrilled about it.  Someone tell me that i am not losing my mind right now....the lack of food might be messing with my head right now....or possibly the combination of that and lack of sleep.

Anyways, after that, whats left to talk about.  Oh yes, peanut butter.  It has recently been brought to my attention by a follower of my blog, that i should try the peanut butter Clif Bars!  I think they sound absolutely AMAZING right now, and its taking ever last oz of energy to fight the hunger in my stomach from telling my brain that i need to make about 5 batches of peanut butter cookies and eat them ALL by myself!

I think i have lost it.  I am to tired to feel my finger.  New rule: Blog earlier.  There should be a warning on these things...."Warning: Do NOT blog tired!"  Goodnight folks, until tomorrow

247!!  WOOHOOO!!!  


  1. Jill- I just have to tell you how freaking amazing you are. You give so much inspiration to me and I am honored to call you my BFF. I am so glad I met you and I am so glad that we are finally doing this! We are going to be those skinny bitches!

  2. I know you are getting tons of advice so as a nutrition freak who also is a sugar addict I thought I might share my 2 cents as well :)
    When you crave cookies, cake, ice cream, ect (like I do 24/7) try eating fruit, it has the sugar you are craving but its way more difficult to eat 500 calories of apple (about 5 large apples) than 500 calories of pie (one little slice)! Also have you tried getting a little exercise, that always puts my mind in check. I always think 'I am going for this long walk I can't ruin it with some craving that it going to set me back a whole week'.
    I am excited to see and hear how everything goes, you have quite the following now. You can't let us down now!

  3. You are up to 7 followers! What a great indication of the support you have as you travel toward your goal. You have a group of supporters willing to lean on when needed.

    Your progress can be seen in the pictures you are posting.

    Stay the course, you are doing a great job.

  4. Chris, i love you soooo much! God gave me a friend like you to push me to really do this, and YOU are going to get there too!! YOU are freaking amazing too, and i am glad we are going to be skinny hot mama's together! :)

    Lindsey, thank you! I LOVE getting advise from anyone, and everyone! That is a great idea too cause i LOVE fruit, and your right eating 5 apples is harder than a slice of pie (though i could probably eat the whole thing haha). I wont let you guys down, i am REALLY doing it this time. This is the longest i have stuck with a diet and the most i have ever lost! Exercising has not begun at this point (i know, i know....i need to form some healthy habits), but i am kind of taking thing one step at a time. Now that i have my eating under control and am learning a new ways to eat healthy, its time to step it up a notch and start the process of exercise. I will have a note about that in my next blog post tonight :)

    Jim, thanks for your support! I am glad you were my first "follower" haha. I am really excited to see that more people are starting to read my blog! I hope its entertaining, inspirational, and can touch some other people!

  5. Heey :)
    I came across your blog and I'm looking forward to your achievement. I love reading your small stories.
    I've started my weight loss journey the 12th of january.
    I wish you good luck this week,

  6. Hey paulien!

    Thank you for following my story! Always great to get support, especially from people who are also losing weight. Its a hard process! I wish you MUCH luck on your journey, and look forward to sharing our successes with each other! Pop in from time to time to let me know how you are doing!

