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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 8: GIANT chocolate chip cookies! (oh and some new PICTURES!)

Well the "blue whale" may have just turned into an orca!  I was feeling a little discourages about myself today, until i started working on todays blog post!  I know, i know, i lost FIFTEEN POUNDS and i should have been ecstatic!  But instead i was looking in the mirror and thinking that "i still look like a blue whale."  No one could really visually see a difference besides my mom and sister, and lets face it, they dont really count seeing as how i am sure they would say anything to make me feel happy and motivated haha. 

FYI if you are dieting,say goodbye to any social life.  When i walk with my classmates to the cafe at my college, i think that i am literally going to break down into tears at ANY moment, cause the sight and smell make be want those GIANT chocolate chip cookies, and the devilish brownies, SOOOOO bad that i think i am actually going to jump the counter and eat every last little tasty treat behind the glass.  I have to hold myself back from wanting to strangle the cashier since i know they would prevent me from doing so.  The tears, are tears of pain, as i bite my tongue and use every muscle in my body to contain myself from an epic binge!  And even though its almost spring, all i can think about is how next thanksgiving and christmas i am going to have to chain myself to a tree in another city in order to hold myself back from eating the entire holiday feast before anyone else can even have a bite!  "goodbye social life.  Though you were scarce because of the twins, i am going to miss you!"

So i know that you have been waiting for pictures....and i want to say that THIS was what got me through today!  Like a said before, i was feeling quite discouraged, but once i saw the pictures i could actually see a difference in myself!  I know its not much of a difference, but it IS nonetheless!  So here you go...


  1. Hey, I just came across your blog today and really like it, it's helping to motivate me. :) I've notice you saying things about how hard it is to keep yourself eating throughout the day and so I'd like to recommend Clif Bars. While not always the most tasty thing, some flavors are good (and they have chocolate flavors) but they are only like 200 calories and have around 10 grams of protein so they keep you full! But keep up the good work! I see a visible difference specifically in your arms and midsection. :)

  2. Oh thats great, thanks! I will have to give them a try! Its hard to have a real MEAL in the daytime since i am so busy with school and the boys! I can't wait for the next picture in another week, to see if there is anymore of a difference! :)

  3. My personal favorite flavor is peanut butter because it tastes the most like what it's supposed to! :)

  4. i LOVE peanut butter! Gosh dont peanut butter cookies sound amazing right now? HAHA, i think i need to buy me some clif bars tomorrow!

  5. I came across your blog today, someone had posted the link in a comment. Anyway, I wanted to wish you luck! I'm in the midst of losing 40 pounds. I am currently 22 lbs down and have 18 more to go, which are going to be the hardest part. I'll be checking up on your blog and hopefully it will inspire me too!

  6. I don't know if you shop at Costco, but the one near me has them, and since they can be kind of expensive... lol. But they are my savior!!! And don't spend all your energy thinking about sweets, spend it exercising (<--- it helps SO much!) :D

  7. Hey Jill! Just wanted to say I'm proud of you and what you are doing! It's tuff stuff! Amber Edin and I have been wanted to start working out or at least taking walks together... Maybe when it warms up you and the boys can meet us for walks in the park every once in awhile :-)

  8. Alo: good luck with your weight loss journey also!!! That is awesome you have lost 22!!!!! The last 20 lbs is the hardest to lose, so dont be discouraged if it doesnt come off as fast! You can do it though!!!

    Elisa: I do shop at costco!! I LOVE it haha. I am actually going later today! :)

    Jeni: You are my second of my two friends i have told about my blog haha, shhhh dont tell anyone :) I would LOVE to walk with you guys!!! The boys would love it too!!!! Thanks for always being so encouraging and supportive!! Love you!!!

  9. Have you heard of the Primal Blueprint? A lot of people have success with it when they stick with it. The success stories are amazing and show that it is very possible to turn things around for the better. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ Check it out and dive in when you're ready.

  10. I am actually seeing a medical specialist, so i think i am going to stick with the diet that doctor gave me, for now, since it seems to be working quite well! Thank you for your suggestion though, and maybe i will check it out if my successes with this doctor plateau.
